Ao redor dun centenar de participantes na xornada "Industria 4.0. Ciberseguridade e Bo Goberno"

Silvia Camesella,

Ao redor dun centenar de participantes na xornada "Industria 4.0. Ciberseguridade e Bo Goberno"

Clúster TIC has organized, together with Amtega and Arco Atlántico, a conference on industry 4.0, cybersecurity and good governance. The event, which could also be seen in streaming through YouTube, was very well received with almost a hundred registered.

Participating as speakers were Francisco Pérez Bes, member of Arco Atlántico, who advised on the protection of the supply chain; Gustavo Herva Iglesias, head of the Amtega Security sub-area, who spoke about the " Node" project; and Jose Ignacio Armesto Quiroga, teacher at the University of Vigo, who presented the title of Specialist in Industrial Cybersecurity.

The event also featured a discussion table, in which responsibilities, legal obligations and good governance were discussed, made up of Alejandro Alonso, Cybersecurity area of NTT DATA, Berta Caro, director of Tecalis and André Castelo, managing partner at APDTIC .

The conference is available in full on YouTube:


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