The General Assembly is comprised of all members of the Cluster that have an active membership. It is the main decision-making body of the Governance structure that deliberates all important Cluster matters at least once a year.
It is the governance body in charge of strategy planning at medium, long term. It acts as a consultation body in some strategic matters in order to enrich the objectives, tasks, activities and projects of the Galicia ICT Cluster.
The composition of Strategy Committee is not fixed in order to bring in a maximum of representative actors from Galicia ICT sector. COES can call upon any relevant stakeholder.
At this moment, COES members are:
It is the main executive and operative body of Cluster governance structure. Following the decisions made, suggested or approved by the General Assembly, it coordinates the actions, activities and main projects of the Cluster.
Steering Committee members are elected at a special meeting of the General Assembly every 3 years.
The current Steering Committee, elected on April 2014, is composed by the listed members (and represented entities).
D. Antonio Rodríguez del Corral (CINFO)
D. Constantino Fernández Pico (ALTIA)
D. Santiago Paz Noya (DOS ESPACIOS)
D. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez (CPEIG)
D. Gerardo José García Alvela (ITELSIS)
D. André Castelo Pichel (APDTIC)
D. Martín Gómez Rodríguez (BAHÍA SOFTWARE)
D. Jesús Lage Fernández (BIMBIO)
Dna. Mónica Seoane Díaz (DATASPARTAN)
D. Alberto Borrego Díez (NTT DATA)
D. Fernando Vázquez Núñez (IMATIA)
D. Carlos Rodríguez García (LIBREBIT)
D. Alfredo Ramos González (R)
D. José Ángel Veiga Abeledo (SATEC)
D. Alfredo Castro Moral (SERVIGUIDE TECH)
D. Leoncio Touceda Taboada (TECNOLOGÍAS PLEXUS)
D. Miguel Bugarín Pumar (VISUAL PUBLINET)
The Chairman has full representation of the Cluster before any public and private institutions and, generally, in all ocassions where the Cluster must participate.Presides over the General Assembly, the Strategy Committee (COES) and the Steering Committee (CODI).
Antonio Rodríguez del Corral, Chairman of ICT Cluster Galicia